consulting and direction Alessandro Sanmartin

performer Michela Negro e Simone Baldo
videomapping Federico Fracasso
sound environment Eros Dalla Barba
sand artist Gaia Marangon

co-production Trendeventi, e20danza e Livello 4


As human beings, we are social animals who base our identity on encounters with others and the world around us. We are the information we receive: what we learn about the world. We are the reality we tell ourselves, and the language with which we communicate. But 'encounter', 'communication', and even 'body' have become unstable concepts; in recent decades these concepts have undergone unprecedented evolutions. Our identity is tied to them, and so it becomes increasingly difficult for anyone to answer the question: "Who am I?".

The social network revolution is catching us unprepared. The advent of the internet made us unaware users of data and, now, we are the data. The products are us, and more and more often, our search for identity, community, communication is mixed with the digital language.

#binarycode investigates the relationship between the human body and the digital universe. It's a journey into the virtual sea aboard real bodies, to draw maps and routes, to launch buoys and lifeboats; to attempt, in short, a reconnaissance and reflect on how not to get lost. How can we find ourself, in this immense square of data, profiles, promotions and algorithms?

To this purpose, #binarycode stages two mature dancers, representatives of the generation that perhaps less than others has had the tools to relate to the digital world, the so-called boomers. Together with them, video mapping, sand art and sound environment build a live dialogue. The performance is an immersive shipwreck for the spectator, who will have to rely on his/her own tools, make choices, and ultimately find their own course.



Photos by Angela Marangon.